How I meet this?? hehe..jupe mnde ni setelah laptop kene blue screen-->format windows XP yg not genuine--> klo nak yg genuine kne beli $149.90 pny new windows--> dgn rase xpuas hati trus google --> dgn key "Make windows XP genuine"--> after sum surveying..finally, I found this..hik3--> akhirnye bile test ke'genuine'mye, ia disahkan totally activate..................................................................
1.Goto "start"
2.Run-type in "regedit"
3.Goto "local-machine-software-microsoft-window s nt-current version-
4.choose "oobe timer" in the rights panel the window,delete all the things.
6.close regedit
7.goto start-run-type in "%systemroot%\system32\oobe\msoobe.exe /a"
8.choose the second option "use phone to activate" "change product key"
10.type in the serial:thmpv-77d6f-94376-8hgkg-vrdrq "update""remember later"
13.after that restart the computer
14.after restart goto start-run-type in "%systemroot%\system32
\oobe\msoobe.exe /a" should come up with a message"windows activated"-finished!
2 butir bicara:
alor, XP je ke? Vista xde ke? sedikit tensi nih ble x activate..tanak beli mahal2..nk beli menda lain, ngehngehngeh
okek..i'll try to find it..:"> mish2 u..^^
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